
Carlos Nuno Lacerda Lopes

Carlos Nuno Lacerda Lopes, is an Architect and Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto. He is the author of the PhD thesis “Projects and Ways of Living” presented in 2007 to the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto; investigates themes related to Innovation in Architecture, Design, Construction, Scenography, Ways of Living and develops professional activity at CNLL I Architecture, Design and Engineering.

“Designing is the exercising of critical consciousness guided by a strategy of thought and action in a certain context.”

Moved by this creator, the CNLL mirrors the values, methodologies, quality criteria and its idea of architecture, which is based on Man as the central figure of the built space, in an eternal appeal to the senses and the inexhaustible will for experimentation.

With wide professional experience in programs of different scales, dimensions and complexity, it has been developing numerous reference projects in Portugal and abroad.

From institutional works to collective and individual housing; from business, commercial and service spaces to industry; from urban equipment to urban and planning projects; to the design of scenarios for the most relevant National Theatres and for Television, or through the design of furniture, products and equipment, we perceive beyond the entrepreneurial and innovative side that puts in their work, the new understanding and dynamics that the creative professional acquires nowadays, assuming himself as a privileged agent in the transformation and creation of new spaces, places and desires.

Throughout his activity, he has participated in several individual and collective exhibitions of Architecture, Design and Scenography, works that have already been worth, together with his activity as an architect, several awards and several national and international publications.